Euclid Chemical Manager Authors Article for Concrete Repair Bulletin
"The New Generation of Crack Healer/Sealers" by Dave Flax, Manager of the National Business Development Group for the Southwest Region of Euclid Chemical, was featured in the May/June issue of the Concrete Repair Bulletin. In his article, Dave highlights the importance of various material properties of differing healer and sealer products, then discusses a test conducted by the Oregon DOT.
Click here for the Complete Article
Dave received his civil engineering degree from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) in 1969 and has been involved with construction and concrete since that time. He has been a field engineer, contractor, specifier, and researcher with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. He earned his CDT (Certified Document Technologist) and CCPR (Certified Construction Products Representative) certifications from the Construction Specification Institute (CSI) and speaks regularly to national organizations including SEA, ACI, ICRI, and CSI, both live and via webinars. Dave is a member of ICRI Committees 110, Guide Specifications, and 320, Concrete Repair Materials and Methods, and is a founding member of the ICRI Arizona Chapter. He was awarded the Extra Yard Award by SCCP for his 30+ years of service to the concrete industry.